Thieves and Kings
Golden Age Collectibles on Granville recently/currently had a 50% off sale for trade papberbacks and whatnot. Having always been interested in Thieves and Kings from an issue of Cerebus, I picked up volumes 2 and 3. Not having volume 1, I ordered it from the website and started reading. I highly recommend this series for anyone who loves fantasy novels and has at least a passing interest in comics. Mark Oakley's style is clean and you can definately see improvement in his art over the course of the series. The only downfall is the publishing schedule. M'Oak (as he's called) has stated that the series will be 100 issues in length and he began in 1994. If you do the math (and I have), he should be in the vicinity of issue 60 instead of 45. Which means there's going to be another 10 years (at least) of T and K. It may sound like I'm complaining, but I want the series to end so I can find out what happens!
These are the Trade Paperbacks which I've read that can be purchased from the link above:

Pictures are copyright © 2004 Mark Oakley and originate from the Official Thieves & Kings website.