New Comic Day June 22
Here are the comics I purchased today:

This is the second issue of the second series by the Luna Brothers and although not quite as good as the first issue, it still has it's moments. The argument between the cop and the main character is pretty good and the dialouge throughout the issue is quite realistic. The second half of the issue has more science fictiony stuff in it and concludes with a VERY bizarre scene. All in all though, this series is shaping up to be very good.

This is the 3rd part in the crossover with the Outsiders and it was much better than the second. Superboy returns and lays another beatdown on the Titans under the orders of Lex Luthor. I'm guessing the next few issue will tie in with the whole "Return of Donna Troy" malarchy that DC is putting out as this issue made several references to her. I for one won't be getting into that kettle of fish and pick up what I need to from Wizard and any other Prolouge that DC puts out. Some of the art in this issue seemed a bit sketchy and rushed though, so that took away from the story somewhat. I imagine there will be a lot of that in the coming months as DC has been faced with some release problems recently, for example the aforementioned "Return of Donna Troy" mini-series. Well the arc finishes in the next issue of Outsiders so it will be interesting to see how things get wrapped up. Hopefully it's better than the previous Outsiders ish.

This was a lackluster finish to the 2 part arc involving a super-smart female villain. I'm seriously considering dropping this series unless this next arc is good. It features a crossover event between the ultimate universe and what I think is the regular marvel universe (groan). If it's not good, then it's going the way of Ultimate Spider-man and X-men

Not very much happened this issue other than a bunch of foreshadowing for a conspiracy within S.H.I.E.L.D. The Sentry makes a reappearance next issue so hopefully things pick up. Wolverine so does not need to be on this team. So much for Marvel's continuity.