Thursday, July 21, 2005

New Comic Day July 20

Ultimates 2 #7

I really thought that the traitor would be revealed in this issue, but I guess not. We do get to see some retalliation from someone though in regards to the Ultimates middle-east activity which was a surprise. The only thing about this book that is annoying is the shipping schedule (ie. constant lateness). Otherwise it's really interesting. My money is that Hank Pym is the traitor but we'll see what the next year (probably, even though there's only 5-6 issues left in the series) brings. It's also cool to see how the military uses super-beings. If they existed in the real world, I expect, they would be used in military engagements and further the "American Way" across the world. Asses.

Teen Titans #26

Nothing much happened in this issue. It's kind of the aftermath of Superboy's rampage and his thoughts as to whether or not, since he's a clone, he has a soul. Raven shows him that he does. It was a mainly character driven issue which was O.K. but in a week with little action in my books, I was wanting a bit more.

Ex Machina#13

This was a pretty good issue as we see some more of Kremlin. I guess my prediction that this new machine guy was actually him is bogus as he and Bradbury find it and find its blood. The other plot of Mitch doing jury duty also took us for a loop as we see what that crazy guy was up to and why he wanted on the jury as well. I think I'd like it a bit more if the subplots connected a bit more, like the last one did. Maybe things will be tied up later on.

Adventures of Superman #642

So this was the third part of "Sacrifice" and we get to see what's been going on with Superman. The JLA find out it was Maxwell Lord who took control of Supe's brain and when they do he kind goes apeshit on them. It ends in a cliffhanger with Lord makeing a blowjob reference to Wonder Woman. It was a good issue and I'm pleased to see the direction they're taking Superman. He's treated as much more of an outsider rather than a part of the Human race as he should be because he's likely the most powerful being on the planet. It was really cool to see the implications of someone being able to control that power to do bad things to good people.

Girls #3

Attack of the Multiple Women! All hell breaks loose in Ethan's house as the newly hatched egg women attack Ethan, the sheriff and Ethan's ex. Its quite funny to see how easily the poeple of the town think Ethan has powers. Bunch of dumb hicks. This is pretty different from the Luna Brother's former work on Ultra as there seems to be more of a build up towards something rather than having every issue tell a good story. It's still good though; I just liked Ultra a bit more.

All-Star Batman and Robin #1

Well, I caved and jumped on this band wagon too. I think I might only go a few issues though, as Frank Miller's writing style for Batman has definately changed since 1987. And Bruce Wayne saying "I've had my eye on him for quite some time" in reference to a pre-pubescent Dick Grayson is downright unsettling. I don't think it's cool that Batman seems to make the decision for Dick to join him in his "war", They should just left the story well enough alone.

Astonishing X-men #11

Not a very satisfying issue, but I can forgive Whedon if his excuse is that he was finishing up Serenity. It wasn't very well explained how the X-men aren't dead and Prof. X ramming a bus into Danger seemed kind of silly. Huge freakin' sentinal at the end was cool though.


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