Thursday, July 07, 2005

New Comic Day July 6

Here are the comics I purchased today:

Superman #219

So I caved and bought the first part of the four part crossover which supposedly takes place between OMAC Project #3 and 4. I don't really see what this issue had to do with OMAC at all and I suspect the link, if it shows up, will be a loose one at best. Poor writing hurts this issue. Since when is Superman a moody, angst ridden hero? Isn't that Batman's job? There wasn't any real tension when Clark's friends were in danger from Brainiac and I actually found it humourous the way they died. Now that I think about it, if the cabin was pressurized, despite the water rushing in, couldn't Supes weld a quick fix and bring the entire Brainiac sub to the surface? Meh, maybe I'll just read the next issue in store to see if it's worth getting.

Y: The Last Man #35

This is the conclusion to the "Girls on Girls" storyline and it wasn't too bad overall. We get to see Yorrick stand up to 355 and try to be a hero to no avail. The last two pages also reintroduce us to the Czech (?) militant who wants to kill Yorrick for some reason. There was a cliffhanger a while back regarding Beth, Yorrick's girlfriend, that I seem to recall was promised to conclude quite soon. I'm looking forward to that. Dr. Mann also finds herself a new woman and that's always nice to see :).


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