Thursday, August 25, 2005

For Tomorrow Review

Since I'm not getting comic this week because I'm away from my comic shop, I decided to try something a little different this time around. I recently re-read the Brian Azzarello and Jim Lee arc called "For Tomorrow," that ran from issues 204-215. So I decided to review the year-long run after digesting the material in one sitting rather than the original 12 months. I didn't care for it the first time around, but again that may be due to the month long wait between issues, not going back and re-reading. Anyways, here are the covers and the review.

When I first started reading this series, I thought the story was complete garbage and not very well put together at all. Upon a second reading and one that was all in one sitting, I've revised that initial proclamation and updated the story to only mild garbage. There was an overtone of faith and belief throughout the arc which was kind of annoying and once again DC gives us a story that only comes together in the last two issues. The part where Superman created a haven within the Phantom Zone was cool, but more explanation was needed like how exactly he did it. I liked Azzarello on 100 Bullets, but Superman he just can not do.

Jim Lee's art is always fun to look at and that's what really saves this arc. However, what's with Zod's outfit? It looks retarded with that big Z on it. There was no need of that. Even though he's a general, he doesn't seem to be the type to wear armour, especially crappy armour. The designs for Metropia were good and the fight between Supes and Wonder Woman was really well done.

Another interesting thing was the link to Infinite Crisis. The thing they turned the priest into was One Man Army Corps number four and the silhouette looked very much like one Maxwell Lord. It is pretty neat to see the different seeds they planted for October's big event when you look back.

Friday, August 19, 2005


I'll be gone back to P.E.I. until the first of September, so there won't be any updates until then.


Like most kids, I used to draw quite a bit and my love of comics added to that passion. It's been at least 5-6 years since I last drew something and here is a drawing I finished last night. It's not the best, but I like it considering the time it's been since last picking up a drawing pencil. As well, I'm a copier so I definately didn't come up with this one off the top of my head. Finally, I apologize for the quality of the left hand scan, it didn't really pick up on some stuff. The image on the right is the left one only digitally inked with Gimp. The only thing I don't care for is the "S" shield, but I think the head looks pretty good. The symbol could have looked better if I had a flexi-curve, but they're like $12 and I haven't gotten one yet.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

New Comic Day August 17

Well today is my 23rd birthday and I can think of no better gift than to get new comics (well, I can, but this is a family oriented Blog). Here are the ones that I got today:

Lex Luthor: Man of Steel #5

Here is the conclusion to a worthwhile series. We see Lex orchastrate an elaborate plan to lessen Superman's name in the public eye. Although the story kind of jumps around (ie. the Superman/Batman fight in issue 2 or 3) the main isea is that Lex wants humanity to strive for perfection but he feels they can't when they're already in its prescence. It was an ok series but worth it just to see Lex's perspective on things. Brian Azzarello can't really write Superman stories though in my opinion and he seem to loses focus throughout the story. Lee Bermejo's artwork, however, is very good in this issue and I really like the tweaking of Superman's costume and his physical apperance. Nice that DC actually allows a little creative freedom in this area.

The Walking Dead Series

So I spoiled myself for my birthday and got the trades for The Walking Dead which, in total, collects the first 18 issues of the series. I was staying away from this for a while even though it's pretty popular and I don't really have a reason why other than I was trying to save money. However, I'm glad I got in a TPB mood and got these because it is very good. If you don't know the premise, it focusses on a character named Rick Grimes and his family, along with a bunch of other people trying to survive in a "post-apocolyptic" world where zombies are running rampant. You might be groaning at that, but there is much less focus on the zombies than the survivors and the characterization thereof. It's more of a how-to guide to survive in a zombie infested world and I really enjoy the pacing and the shock value of some of the events that occur. However, if you choose to get this series, I strongly suggest getting the trades rather than getting it monthly. Not only will you save money, but the story is such that you want to devour a buttload of issues in one sitting rather than just get a taster every month.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

New Comic Day August 10

Fables #40

Finally, the Adversary is revealed! I won't tell you who it is, but it's someone that's been mentioned although never seen. I was a bit disappointed myself, since I guessed at it a long while back and I wanted to be surprised. However, the explantion was pretty cool and it makes sense. We see a captured Boy Blue have an interview with the Adversary and I'm looking forward to seeing how he will get out of the Homelands (assuming he does that is). I'm sure people will be pleased and upset with this issue depending if they figured it out like I did or not. A whorthwhile pickup if you've been with the series for a while, but definately not something to read to get into the series.

JLA #117

This was sort of a lackluster issue and the only redeeming point is the end where Superman is faced by the "League within a League" and their decision to vote on the fate of the defeated Secret Society of Super Villains. My guess is that Superman will vote to wipe their minds again, adding further tension between the big three. There's still two parts to this arc and I'm thinking next issue will be Zatanna doing her thing and #119 will be the aftermath leading into Infinite Crisis (which ships the same week). I'm so DC's whore for buying all these tie-ins...

Ultimates Annual #1

The concept of annuals was very prevelent in the 80's and 90's but they fell to the wayside. I really liked them and some Batman and Superman ones come to mind as personal favorites. It's good to see Marvel taking the initiative and bringing them back. This was a very good issue, made better by the fabulous art of Steve Dillon of Preacher fame. It follows the backup super heroes S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Hazard Intervention, Espionage and Logistics Directorate)has created. That in itself is interesting, but as well there is the political aspect as well. By creating and deploying mwta-humans, the states and other countries are kind of entering into a new arms race: who can create the bigger and better super-soldier for example. The cool thing is that if super heroes existed in the real world, this is probably what would happen.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #22

I really enjoyed the surprise factor of this current storyline. Everyone thought it would be a big crossover with the original marvel universe but instead we get a does of zombie super-hero cannibals! I wonder if it will be explained how the original host got the zombie virus or if the final part will just be a zombie bash-fest. I'm really glad Mark Millar is back on the title. I'm not really sure about Grag Land's art though even though he's supposed to be a superstar.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

New Comic Day August 3

Here are the comics I purchased today and it was a real joy to sit down at kits point and read them while waiting for the fireworks

Serenity #2

WARNING!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THIS DON'T READ ANY FURTHER BECAUSE THERE MAY BE SPOILERS FOR SERENITY (opening in a theatre near you September 30th). I am such a browncoat it's not even funny! The dialouge in this comic is awesome and you'd think it was a script for an un-dvd-isized episode. Once again the actors were speaking in my head (think I should get that looked at?) and although there wasn't much action from the Serenity crew (aside from Book REALLY clocking Mal), the sub-plot involing the Blue hand guys was really interesting. As well, a character from the series makes an unexpected return (if you're a Firefly nut, you'll likely be able to figure it out.) I said there might be spoilers because this character might die (again! ;) ) in issue 3 and might not make it into the movie. Anyways, top notch issue and if you are a Firefly fan, you owe it to yourself to pick this up.

Ultimate Iron Man #3

This issue was very good (despite my annoyance at waiting an extra week for it) and we get to see Tony grow to be about 15-16. His genius is already evident as he starts making a crude suit of armour that he wants his friend James Rhodes to try on and zap him with. We also learn more about his natural abilities (can regrow limbs) and the ideals that his Dad tries to instill in him. It's really too bad that this series suffers from an erratic shipping schedule which is the only reason I dislike it.

Y: The Last Man #36

Fantastic issue! What a great week for comics! This issue finally reveals what's going on with Beth in the land down under and gives alot of backstory into her and Yorick's relationship. She goes on a aboriginal mind journey that shows her past in flashback and at the end she comes to the realization that Yorick is still alive. Should be interesting to see how she tries to find him, seeing as he's on his way to Japan. Excellent use of the old dot colour technique during the "Beth is a super hero" scene. Very nice touch.

New Avengers #8

Stuff actually happens in this issue! Who would have thought? Spider-woman takes care of The Wrecker in a neat way and we get to see how Tony convinced Wolverine to join. There could have been more Sentry stuff though, but what was there was good and interesting and it sets up the innevitable fight with the Void next issue. It's been suggestd to me that The Sentry is really Thor come back with Loki of Odin messing with him to teach him a lesson or humility, respectively. I can kind of see that because he does look a heckuva lot like the God of Thunder and there was a cameo of thor in flashback that might hint at something. However, I'd like to think the Sentry has been re-included in the MU, but if he is Thor then Bendis likely won't reveal it for another 50 issues or so. Long, drawn-out bastard.

Justice #1

Alex Ross's foray back into a semi-monthly comic series and it doesn't disappoint. However, waiting 2 FRIGGING YEARS to see the completion of the series is a bit of a downer. It will be interesting to see who has been broadcasting the dreams into the minds of the super villains. The only drawback is Braithwaite, whose characters I find to be kind of droopy, flat, and non-dynamic. This wasn't the case throughout the whole issue, just a few spots jumped out at me. Very gorgeous sea-horse though that Aquaman was riding. Here's to 23 more months of Rossy goodness, even though he's a bit of a jerk (See the most recent wizard for an interview).