Hello all,
So finally I am keeping up to date and posting stuff I bought April 27 the day after instead of three weeks after. Joy.
I had gone through my recently bought comics the other day and decided that I needed a new comic box. Much to my dissapointment,
Elfsar didn't have any, so now I still have a huge stack sitting on my other boxes. Hopefully they get some in next week.
Besides the fact that I can't store my comics, something else also got my goat. Last week I missed picking up the
O.M.A.C Project so I planned to pick it up today, but to my shock Elfsar has it bagged and boarded with a $9.95 sticker on it! WTF!? It came out LAST WEEK for petesakes. Needless to say, I didn't buy it and will have to do without this particular piece of the
Infinite Crisis puzzle (until of course the 2nd printing comes out).
Anyways, here are the comics/magazines I purchased April 27th:
Invincible #0Wow, two doses of
Invincible this month. I'm absolutely giddy. This issue takes place immediately after #22 and is supposed to lead into #23. It acts as an origin issue as well for new readers by having Mark tell Amber all about his powers. It was a really good read (as always) except Amber seemed like kind of a bitch as Mark was explaining things to her, but hey that just my opinion. I'm really glad that Lightning Bolt comics still had the first five issues available after 6 months of the series' creation, otherwise I might not have gotten into what has become my favorite comic.
Ultimate Secret #2This issue shows that Captain Marvel saved the zero-point energy drive from last issue and then passed out. In
typical American fashion, they restrain him and beat the crap out of him before realizing he's a defector and there to help. The Ultimate FF are called into help and there's some interesting dialouge from Reed about the
Drake equation. Although this series is supposed to have "lasting ramifications throughout the Ultimate Universe", it must take place
before Ultimates #5 where Thor is locked up for being a nutjob. So it will be interesting to see how the continuity unfolds as the series progresses. I am looking forward to seeing Ultimate Ga-Lak-Tus though.
Superman #215Finally this year long run is over. I will read the entire run over the weekend in one sitting and then pass final judgement on it, but don't expect any high praises for the story. As far as I can tell, nothing really happened and the story seemed like it was all over the place. I looked at several other reviews and I haven't seen any that really enjoyed this arc. One reviewer claimed that it was "the best Superman story in years, which shows how crappy the rest of the stories were." So check back Sunday/Monday for an overview.
Ultimate Spider-man #76Man, Bendis pumps these suckers out like there was no tomorrow! It was only two weeks ago that issue 75 hit the stands. Even thought the quanity is high, the quality doesn't seem to suffer. This issue sees the Hobgoblin revealed in all his catty glory (basically an orange version of the Green Goblin, except with a face like a puma) and a big fight scene ensues. The issue was over a bit soon for my tastes, but thats due to the increased level of action. Should be interesting to see how the story ends. My prediction: it will begin after everything is resolved and then told in flashback.
Wizard #164I just flipped through this issue and haven't had a chance to read much of it. Usually when I do so, some of the articles catch my eye and seem interesting, but this didn't happen with this issue. Check back for an update to this post that will have more comments.