Saturday, April 23, 2005

Superman Movie Woes

Hi folks. The following picture is a comparison between the actual suit that will be used in the Superman movie and one redone by someone in photoshop. I'll let you look at them and decide which is which.

If you were thinking that the one on the left is the movie one, then you would be WRONG, even though it looks 1000 times better than the one on the right! I can't beleive that Brian Singer who brought us the two amazing X-men movies could have a part in this fashion faux-paus. I mean COME ON!! What's with the small "S" shield, the dark red and the speedo swim trunks? They should have went with a brighter red and a darker blue like the pic on the left. Many fans have expressed the same opinion as mine and some of them have defended the outfit saying its a bad angle or whatnot. A big raspberry to that says I. Oh yeah, who else thinks Brandon Routh in this get up looks a little like Gerard Christopher from the late 80's Superboy TV series

Except he has a better costume.

Well hopefully with digital effects, they can make that piece of crap look good so the film industry doesn't ruin another comic franchise.


Blogger JonBen said...

Either change the costume entirely or leave it with its original colours. The image on the left is what Superman is "supposed" to look like, the one on the right looks like some colour impaired seamstresses failed attempt to make the costume.

3:29 a.m.  

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