Wednesday, April 13, 2005

New Comic Day April 13

Here are the comics that I bought today:

Ultimate Spider-man #75

Wow, this series has come a long way. 75 issues already. It seems like only yesterday that Dylan of Lighning Bolt Comic in Charlottetown P.E.I. handed me a gorgeous white cover copy...ah memories. Surprisingly enough, there was no extras regarding this as a milestone of any kind. It's even in the middle of an arc. Oh well, good for Marvel for not selling us crap circa early 90's. This issue continues the Hobgoblin storyline which seems to be heading down the predictable path (see March 16 post). But it did offer something interesting regarding Norman's go-to guy that tried to run down Peter way back in issue #1. But alas, due to $ constraints, Ultimate Spider-man may have to stay on the shelf. That is, until I start actually making money and buy all the back issues.

Ultimates 2 #5

This is probably my favorite issue of the series so far. It features a good old fashion brawl between Thor and the rest of the Ultimates. After that though, some interesting story developments arise regarding Thor's sanity. I'm looking forward to the remainder of the series and more of Ultimate Loki. Hopefully Millar and Hitch will stay on for more than 12 issues.

Ultimate X-men #58

Normally I wouldn't have got this issue because I said last month was my last issue, but I picked it up and was happily surprised to see Steve Dillon's (of Preacher fame) artwork grace the pages. The story was a great stand-alone issue and coupled with Dillon's art made for a great read. Speaking of the story, we get to see Xavier be a bit of a bad-ass as he's present in a bank during a robbery. Not only does he save the day, but we get a glimse into his psyche and see that he's the kind of guy that will do whatever it takes to see his dream realized.

Fables #36

We finally get to see some Homeland action (and no, not the 1995 (horrible) Magic set). This new storyline re-introduces us to Boy Blue and see where he went after the mayoral election and what he's been up to (mainly cutting goblins up). I for one am glad a series like this is out there which makes characters we've all known for years original and exciting in the modern day world. I'll be getting this one for a long while.


Blogger JonBen said...

"We finally get to see some Homeland action (and no, not the 1995 (horrible) Magic set)."

That's it call Guinness, this has got to be the nerdiest joke in the world.

3:12 a.m.  

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