New Comic Day May 25
Here are the comics I purchased today:

Since this series has been so late, Marvel decided to hash out this piece of garbage. I thought it would be an actual comic describing the Secret War Mission and how things went down, but instead I got character profiles of the secret team and a look at Nick Fury's thought process when deciding who would be suitable for the covert ops in Latveria. I didn't even finish it and I doubt if I will. Just goes to show you folks, flip through your comics before you buy them!

This was a pretty interesting issue as it had Hank Pym trying to regain some glory by joining the Defenders. It backfires of course and hilarity ensues. The ending is such a tease too! You think the last page will be a reveal of the team's traitor but Millar leaves the reader hanging. This is a series I consistantly enjoy and will be definately sticking on my pull list for a while.

This isn't normally a book I get monthly and I only got it because of the tie-in with the Teen Titans. I wasn't terribly impressed and it seemed like the last issue of the Titans except replace Superboy with Indigo and butt-whipped Titans with butt-whipped Outsiders. It may deserve another read though, as I might have missed some things along the way. As well, the art is a different style that what I'm used to, much more dark and gloomy...not sure if I like it or not.

Finally! Batman explicitly tells the reader that he knows he was mind wiped! Its awesome to see that even though Batman is the ultimate hardass, he's the hero that won't cross the line that the wipers did. I am looking forward to the rest of the run, but supposedly later issues tie in with other books which I'm not a fan of.

After a long delay, issue two finally arrives and it's not quite as good as the first one, but it's close. We see young Tony being born and the steps his father takes to keep him safe from Stane. Stane comes off as a Lex Luthor type villain rather than just the ambitious buisiness man from #1 and I look forward to him meeting a grisly end (keep your fingers crossed!).

This is the next project from the Luna Brothers (Ultra) and I absolutely loved it. The main character has trouble dealing with girls and goes on a great drunken rant. Every guy can relate to this book because every guy does not understand women. Besides this, there is a mystery regarding a naked girl :D