Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Civil War #2 Prediction

Hey all,
I'm not following the Marvel Civil War thing but I've heard lots about it. In short, because a bunch of school kids got killed as a result of a super-hero battle, the government wishes to impose a Super-hero registration act. This means if you want to be a super-hero, you need to publicly reveal who you are and get a license or something. Sound familiar? The mutant registration act is old hat and this is pretty much the same thing, except for everybody. The story revolves around the two opposite views of the Act: the heroes that are in favour of the registration, led by Iron Man, and those opposed, led by Captain America.

Moving on, apparently there will be something in "Civil War #2 (that) marks the beginning of what could be the most tumultuous time in Spidey’s life in quite a long time. It’s going to take us to places that folks thought would be impossible." That's a quote from Joe Quesada, the editor in chief at marvel comics from a recent interview he did at Newsarama. Read the rest here. If you don't know, Spider-man is on the side which is in favour of the registration (which is dumb, but people are saying he's only there because he feels like he owes Iron Man ie. Tony Stark for making his new goofy outfit), and at the end of a recent issue of Amazing Spider-man, it looks like Spidey is about to reveal his secret identity. So the thing in Civil War #2, might be that he does the reveal, but I don't think so. Here's what I think will happen and I should note that I have no prior knowledge of the events which are to take place in Civil War #2 and I have not recieved an advance copy or anything like that:

In the last moment, Peter changes his mind and he and Iron Man get into a fight. As a result of this fight SPIDER-MAN KILLS TONY STARK. That's right folks, Spider-man will become a killer ala Wonder Woman in the whole Infinite Crisis debacle. Whether it be by accident or Peter gets super man, that's what I think will happen and is just retarded enough to be plausible in this age of comic book super events.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're probably half right, but then it'll turn out to be Tony Stark's clone... and then we'll find out that the Spiderman that killed Tony Stark's clone was actually a clone of Spiderman... and then the shortlived super hero "Amalgam" will go get Batman to try and puzzle out what really happened. There's a story arc for ya.

/US Department of Moon

9:32 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're wrong man!

7:41 a.m.  

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